The Thermogenic Weight Loss Diet Fresh Start Diet
Invented by Cathi Graham, registered nutrition expert, The Thermogenic Diet is an incredible weight loss plan which will melt ten pounds from your body in mere seven days. The diet program is also popular with name fresh start diet, which truly justifies the nature of diet program, because the diet solution will actually provide you fresh, healthy and vibrant beginning.
How The Thermogenic Diet Came into Being?
The thermogenic diet program is not a superficial or fad diet program which appeared overnight or out of blue. The diet program in fact is based on self-experience and years of meticulous research.
Cathi who actually was an overweight woman tried different weight loss programs, but nothing worked for her. Then she deeply studied human physiology and came up with the thermogenic diet plan. The diet solution transformed her into a slim woman with carved body. She shed massive 186 pounds by using the diet program.
What the Thermogenic Diet Plan is?
The Thermogenic diet program is based on the logic that there are certain foods which trigger your metabolism and provide you instant energy. Along-with providing energy to your body, these foods will also keep check on your appetite.
Protein foods, herbs and spices, coconut oil, green tea, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, salmon, parsley, chili, celery, garlic etc. are some of thermogenic foods. These foods will stimulate weight loss process in your body.
Protein foods are the most commanding thermogenic foods. For their metabolism, your body needs to burn thirty percent calories. Carb containing foods come after protein rich foods and your body burns fifteen to twenty percent calories to absorb and metabolize them. Fats are easiest for your body to digest, and only three percent calories get consumed in burning fats.
How The Thermogenic Diet Plan Works?
The thermogenic diet plan is one of healthy diet plans. There are no illogical reasoning or claims made by the diet program. Specifically selected food items of diet program are also less in calories.
When you consume these foods, they put your metabolism at work and instigate your body to burn white fats, which actually is sinister fat responsible for making you become obese.The diet program has been allocated into two categories; you can select the category which go hand in hand with your requirements. Let’s have a look at these two categories of diet program.
Carbo Cleanout Plan – Dieters prepared to radically remove carbs from their diet regime can go with carbo cleanout plan. In this plan all kinds of carbs such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain etc. will be eliminated from your diet regime and you will sustain only on food items having high content of proteins and healthy fats.
As carb containing foods cause spike in your blood sugar level, eradication of carbs can significantly help in reducing blood sugar level of dieters suffering from diabetes.
Glycemic Plan – Dieters opting for glycemic plan are allowed to consume food items having low glycemic index such as green and leafy vegetables, watery fruits etc. If you have no problem of increased sugar level, you can go ahead with glycemic plan of diet program. This plan is comparatively flexible and easy to follow.
Who can Follow The Thermogenic Diet?
If you are overweight and have set target to shed many pounds from your body; you can positively look up to the diet program. You can completely rely on the diet program because it is designed by a woman who herself was pissed with problem of obesity.
The diet program is apt for all those dieters who are seeking for some perennial weight loss solution. Cathi is live and inspiring example of permanent weight loss because she not only lost massive weight, but also has been maintaining the lost weight from more than twenty years.
Healthy Tip – Watch the Quantity of Thermogenic Foods
Thermogenic foods have exclusive property of burning fats, and that’s the reason they are also known as fat burning foods. Though these foods are very beneficial for your body, but you have to stay vigilant when it comes to quantity of these foods.
Due to their amazing property, you might feel tempted to consume them in high quantity assuming that more quantity will enhance their benefits too. But, should they be consumed in high quantity, they can cause severe health problems such as nervousness, nausea, diarrhea, mood swings, insomnia etc.
You need to understand the fact that thermogenic foods are normal foods; they didn’t come from heaven which will show instant magical effects on your body. You need to fuse thermogenic foods with balanced nutrition and exercises to attain maximum results from them.
Workouts in The Thermogenic Diet Plan
The thermogenic diet program recommends its dieters to practice aerobics and resistance training. High intensity exercises will boost your metabolism and digestive system. You can practice them for thirty minutes in a day, and four to five days in a week.
Benefits of The Thermogenic Diet Plan
Here are some of the benefits of the thermogenic diet plan.
- The diet program will burn calories from your body very rapidly, and that too without causing any harm to your body.
- There are adequate guidelines and directions in the diet program, they will direct your steps and will aid you in losing weight swifter.
- Protein rich foods will keep check on your appetite and will boost your energy level. Instead of feeling like dragging through the day, you will feel full of beans while going along-with the diet program.
- Thermogenic foods will remove white fats deposited around your arteries and will free you from cardio diseases.
- Many thermogenic foods also have high content of fiber and antioxidant properties. These foods will detoxify your body and will revitalize your body and mind.
Sample Meal Plan
Let’s have a look at one of the sample meal plans of diet program.
You can have egg white omelet with tomatoes, spinach, skimmed milk, green tea etc. in your breakfast.
Morning Snack
You can have one apple, grapefruit, peach, almonds, cashew nuts etc. in your morning snack.
You can have grilled salmon, tuna, green beans, etc. in your lunch.
Evening Snack
You can have carrots, lemon juice etc. in your evening snacks.
You can have mixed salad with vinaigrette, ginger, steamed broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cinnamon etc. in your dinner.