What you need to know about this weeks solar eclipse

Publish date: 2024-06-16

If you think the cosmos is done delivering a plot twist to your plans, then brace yourself, as October is turning up the heat.

Between Venus retrograding, and Mercury joining in too, plus a series of potent full moons, there’s still one more astrological event we need to navigate this year – eclipse season.

Eclipses aren’t uncommon, we experience them approximately every six months. They prompt profound growth, intense shifts in focus and rapid renewal in one or more areas of our lives.

Eclipses are here to shake things up, especially in life areas we’ve been neglecting and ignoring. So try to avoid dragging your feet, as the potent push from the stars is likely just what you need to get-up-and-go!

This season is nothing to fear but it can feel emotionally intense, so prepare yourself and watch your life transform in the most significant of ways!

What is an eclipse?

An eclipse occurs when one celestial body passes in front of, or is obscured by, another celestial body, creating a temporary shadow or blocking the view of one from the other.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking out the Sun’s light either partially or completely.

A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth comes directly between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth’s shadow to be cast upon the Moon.

Simply put, these celestial bodies align and activate what’s known as the lunar nodes, which are incredibly karmic, and they illuminate the path forward.

Each lunar node has a role to play. The south node highlights what we need to let go – old patterns, behaviours, or situations that no longer serve our highest good. The north node presents opportunities for growth, new beginnings, and experiences that align with our life’s purpose.

Just like a butterfly is symbolic of metamorphosis, it’s a powerful reminder that growth often requires undergoing challenging experiences, but it ultimately can lead to a remarkable transformation.

What does the solar eclipse mean?

This solar eclipse is like a supercharged new moon and it will illuminate the sky on October 15, 2023 at 4.55am AEDT.

It resides in the constellation of Libra prompting profound changes in relationships.

Due to Libra’s focus on creating harmony within partnerships, expect this lunation to cast a new light on your most significant connections. If you’re in a relationship and it hasn’t been smooth sailing, expect a breakthrough in this area.

But be warned, as the past is likely to resurface seeking resolve before you can start looking towards the future.

If your primary partnership is rock solid, expect to take your intimacy to new heights.

If you’re single, go over what exactly you’re looking for in a partner. Ask yourself, “Where have I compromised in the past and accepted less than I deserve?”, “In what ways can I release any barriers or fears that have been limiting me from fully opening my heart to deeper, more meaningful connections?”

What to do

Reassess your relationship dynamics. Take time to assess the balance and harmony in your relationships. Reflect on what’s working and what needs improvement.

Prioritise open communication. Honest communication with your partner or loved ones should be a priority all of the time, but especially during this solar eclipse. Address any issues or concerns with grace and diplomacy.

Set aspirational intentions. Use the eclipse energy to set intentions for achieving balance and fairness in your relationships. Rather than strive for the 50/50 rule, Brené Brown’s take on this could garner greater benefits. “Everyone says marriage should be 50/50; it’s the biggest crock of bull sh*t I’ve ever heard. It’s never 50/50 — ever,” she says. This TikTok from the Tim Ferriss Show has already racked up 34 million views on the subject.

What not to do

Avoid conflict. Don’t sweep important issues under the rug or let them turn into heated arguments. Instead, address conflicts with a diplomatic approach.

Don’t rush decisions. Avoid making impulsive relationship decisions during the eclipse. Take your time to evaluate things thoroughly.

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Don’t neglect self-care. While focusing on relationships is important, don’t put your own self-care and wellbeing on the backburner.

Eclipses come in pairs so we still have one more eclipse to navigate on October 29, 2023 at 7.24am AEDT. So use this energy to bring positive shifts to your relationships while being mindful of the potential challenges that lie ahead.

Kristy Gray is an Astrologer and Life Strategist who helps people take action on their dreams through self-exploration, self-acceptance and self-efficacy. Through her signature formula, Astrostrategy®, Kristy combines mystical insights with practical tools to dismantle the uncertainty that’s been holding you back. Ready to get to know yourself on an entirely new level? Your celestial initiation starts here.
